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Offline Robv2B

New lesson on the local trail
« on: May 27, 2017, 12:25:59 PM »
Fun and games on the local loop I took to relax after a busy day; little did I know!
WE had 50mph gusts the prior day and a 6" tree was lying across the trail.
I thought I'd have some fun with the winch and pull it out of the way.  I had to move the U-800 twice to get it to the side, but, the last time I turned the motor off.  I had 20' of cable off the spool and had the tree well out of the way to the side.
Then I jumped back in and ready to continue, except the battery was dead!
I then pulled the battery, and using bungee cords ad a shoulder strap carried the battery about 2 1/2 miles home and charged it, put on some hiking boots, drank about 5 glasses of water, filled the backpack and set out about 9PM.  The first hill is about a 150ft gain in elevation--had me sucking wind for a while!  All in all it wasn't too bad a hike, except that when you gain about 200 ft in elevation, the battery gets much heavier!  One thing that was good was that the bungee's absorbed the shocks and really worked well.
So, I learned that when using the winch, keep the motor running!  And, its better to drive through foot deep puddles to walk through them!
Also, that I need a light bar, the other lights don't work so well in tall grass and brush, and I had skid to a halt to find the trail (over-grown logging roads) as well as just staying on the trail!
So, it was really fun, i hope I don't do it again!
Now, except that duct-tape wasn't involved, I feel like I just narrated a Red-Green skit, "Adventures with Bill".
Rob in WA
UForce 800 eps


Offline NMKawierider

Re: New lesson on the local trail
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2017, 12:41:22 PM »
Yeah...that's rule one with a wench. They pull 20-30 amps and will kill a battery pretty fast. In fact the #2 rule is use the wench for only 30-45 seconds at a time, then let the battery partly recover for at least 2 minutes between uses with the engine at 2500-3000 RPM for max stator output. You can pull enough out of the battery to kill the engine while running so..rule #2 is necessary. It also lets the wench motor cool down between uses.

Sorry you discovered this on your ride...but at least all is well. :)
2015 Z Force 800 53/Trail EPS
Custom Air Intakes | Custom Exhaust Mod | SuperATV Harness | Custom Fenders | Custom Skid/Rock Sliders | 27" GBC Grim Reapers | Seizmik Mirrors |Конструктор Doors | Dr Pulley Sliders | 1.5" Wheel Spacers | BENZ Silencer (as needed) | SATV Flip Windshield W\ Rear Shield | Dual Light Bars | Diamond Plate Storage |7- 9.7" GPS Systems | Bandit Springs Rear & Gen-3 Shocks Front | Cage Chop Mod

My Videos On YouTube


Offline murdo

Re: New lesson on the local trail
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2017, 02:45:30 AM »
"use the 'wench' for only 30-45 seconds at a time"

I always do!!!!!


Offline Sockman

Re: New lesson on the local trail
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2017, 12:08:09 PM »
"use the 'wench' for only 30-45 seconds at a time"

I always do!!!!!

Haha!  Nice catch. 
2017 Zforce 800 EX
UNI filter, SuperATV high clearance a-arms, half windshield, nerf bars, Windjammer rear window, overhead storage, Bighorns, Bandit suspension Gen3 shocks, rear camera