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Offline gfmoto

Unforce on tracks!! Awesome.
« on: June 21, 2016, 05:35:04 PM »
One for all of our Uforce members.
2015 ZForce 800EX
32" light bar
2-4" spots
Custom Cv guards
DIY 1/2 windshield
UNI air filter
DIY rear window
BOSS ATV 28. 450W speakers
Alpena Rock Lights (tough pods)
2" RZR Bracket lift
Roof extensions
27" Maxxis Corranado Tires
Alpena RGB rock lights
SuperATV Rocksliders
1/2 Doors w/custom paint and graphics


Offline NL800

Re: Unforce on tracks!! Awesome.
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2016, 06:21:45 PM »
Very cool video. Looks like you had a lot of fun.......
2014 Terralander 800 EPS
Elka Shocks
CFMOTO Windshield
Front and rear cargo boxes
Garmin eTrex 20 GPS
Wasp Action Camera
Rear Winch


Offline gfmoto

Re: Unforce on tracks!! Awesome.
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2016, 07:37:40 PM »
Lol, I WISH that was mine.  Just thought our Uforce members would appreciate it.
2015 ZForce 800EX
32" light bar
2-4" spots
Custom Cv guards
DIY 1/2 windshield
UNI air filter
DIY rear window
BOSS ATV 28. 450W speakers
Alpena Rock Lights (tough pods)
2" RZR Bracket lift
Roof extensions
27" Maxxis Corranado Tires
Alpena RGB rock lights
SuperATV Rocksliders
1/2 Doors w/custom paint and graphics


Offline WalkinTarget

Re: Unforce on tracks!! Awesome.
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2016, 08:04:00 PM »
That was impressive to watch. I was kinda shocked that he did get her hung up, but if its deep enough. it'll stop anything. I've avoided checking out the Uforce, seeing it was too 'utility' for my needs, but I gotta say, the more I look at it, the more I like it. It's much roomier than the sport SxS rides, and it just flat out looks better than the Teryx or the Pioneer.
2014 Arctic Cat Wildcat Trail - 27" GBC Dirt Commanders, soft top, quarter windshield, AC front and rear steel bumpers, Bandit springs, EZ Ryde Midnight Edition exhaust, Plano 1719 storage box, Speedwerx throttle and secondary clutch spring, heated seats, Polaris seat slider.

Sold: 2006 King Quad 700 - 27" ITP 589 M/S tires, ITP rims


Offline gfmoto

Re: Unforce on tracks!! Awesome.
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2016, 08:35:46 PM »
I like the lil doors.  It reminds me of the Polaris general.
2015 ZForce 800EX
32" light bar
2-4" spots
Custom Cv guards
DIY 1/2 windshield
UNI air filter
DIY rear window
BOSS ATV 28. 450W speakers
Alpena Rock Lights (tough pods)
2" RZR Bracket lift
Roof extensions
27" Maxxis Corranado Tires
Alpena RGB rock lights
SuperATV Rocksliders
1/2 Doors w/custom paint and graphics


Offline ozzy1584

Re: Unforce on tracks!! Awesome.
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2016, 04:39:56 PM »
That thing is awesome with tracks! I don't have tracks on mine,but i'am very impressed by it,and it's abilities.
15 U Force 800 Gun metal Gray! Home made snorkels,Home made axle vents,and a $20 eBay mp3 stereo more to come as work, life,and wife will allow!


Offline murdo

Re: Unforce on tracks!! Awesome.
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2016, 04:07:01 AM »
Good vid.
Note how the CFMoto brand is prominetly displayed. This is the type of vid that the company should do showing people out having fun with their machine.


Offline gfmoto

Re: Unforce on tracks!! Awesome.
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2016, 05:47:01 PM »
2015 ZForce 800EX
32" light bar
2-4" spots
Custom Cv guards
DIY 1/2 windshield
UNI air filter
DIY rear window
BOSS ATV 28. 450W speakers
Alpena Rock Lights (tough pods)
2" RZR Bracket lift
Roof extensions
27" Maxxis Corranado Tires
Alpena RGB rock lights
SuperATV Rocksliders
1/2 Doors w/custom paint and graphics


Offline Landroverconvert

Re: Unforce on tracks!! Awesome.
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2016, 07:38:53 AM »

Thank you for sharing your video
I am a newbie and I am really convinced now cfmoto has the capacibiluties way beyond my needs

Are you in Slovakia ?
No tracks of wild boars ?......


Offline gfmoto

Re: Unforce on tracks!! Awesome.
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2016, 07:51:06 AM »
Not my machine. But I'd love to try out those tracks.
2015 ZForce 800EX
32" light bar
2-4" spots
Custom Cv guards
DIY 1/2 windshield
UNI air filter
DIY rear window
BOSS ATV 28. 450W speakers
Alpena Rock Lights (tough pods)
2" RZR Bracket lift
Roof extensions
27" Maxxis Corranado Tires
Alpena RGB rock lights
SuperATV Rocksliders
1/2 Doors w/custom paint and graphics