First I would like to say that this is a great site with a ton on info . I purchased my new machine about a month ago and so far works perfect . The other day I was out and could smell then noticed smoke . To my surprise I had over heated , the over flow bucket was dumping anti-feeze. Being new to the bike I wasn't really sure what to look for , all I could tell at that point was my fan was not cutting in . I was able to limp out of the trail to get it home where I could get a good look at it . Now I'm not sure if all the manual books are the same but if they are they suck LOL, I was trying to find a fuse box of some sort but all it showed was a relay location in the book. Thank good for THIS SITE I was able to download the wiring diagram which showed fuses so at least I knew it had them . Well I did find it , for anyone wondering its just beside the relays , a SMALL black box not marked . The labels on the inside make no sense with what the fuses protect. I found a blown fuse that ran my fan motor . Not sure what took it out though . I was doing a lot of slow driving which maybe ran the fan hot .?
Anyway just thought I would share what happened just in case anyone had that happen to them or they were wondering where the fuse location was .
Again I just want to thank all the people who post info here . Great site and great bunch !!