What kind of steps do i need to take to prevent the tranny from getting hot or the radiator from getting blocked.
The two main streets are probably a mile long total. Maybe that's a more reasonable goal. I'm really tired of the crummy job the hired company does. They don't show up until the snow has been driven on until it's ice, then it's a week before it's gone.
1.Rig a box on the front grill that only lets air in from the bottom. It will look funny but your goal is to not let the snow that gets over the plow have a straight shot onto the grill, oil cooler and block the radiator. This can be just a cardboard box and duct tape. Now if your plow had the upper shield, you may not need it. Make one but try a run without it and see. As for the CVT, either use low range or if you will be moving at or better then 10mph and there is 3" or less snow, then you may be OK using high, but it would be best to reclock the clutch to give it better low end grip. I would also remove the stock filter from the intake to get the most airflow. Remember, the faster the primary is turning, the more air it's blowing. Plus the better grip the wet clutch as too...very important not to let it slip. Rule of thumb- if you are moving at 5mph and less, then you need to be in low range no mater what your secondary is clocked at.