I pulled off the console, airbox, panels under the seats, and the side console panels and lined them with Thermo-Tec liner. I took a heat gun and softened it up to make it malleable and apllied it to every nook and cranny and covered every hole that I could. It lowered the cabin temp impressively. I still have some heat coming up between the seats and the airbox, Im going to find a way to seal that off. I didnt wrap the headers, but that's next on the list. As soon as I can can convince myself to remove those plastics again!
It also helped with noise, especially from the intake. I ordered a BT-99 silent rider for the exhaust, hopefully that will make a big difference. I enjoy a good sounding exhaust but between the heat and noise, it becomes sensory overload pretty quick and the enjoyment of riding turns into no fun!