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Offline Maine Moto

Cabin and Center Console Temp almost unbearable
« on: June 28, 2016, 10:03:02 PM »
Just purchased a 2016 UFORCE 800 with EPS this weekend.  Thought it would be nice to have a full windshield to keep the bugs out, but we have found that adding the windshield seems to trap heat in the cabin area generated from the motor under the center console area.  Does anyone else have cabin temp issues?


Offline Cosmosdan

Re: Cabin and Center Console Temp almost unbearable
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2016, 01:45:00 AM »
There is a post about this somewhere here. They took foam and cut it to fit the space under the dash to keep out the heat. A full windshield IMHO is not too great in the summer, too much heat and full of dirt and mud.
2013 Z6 Trail
Iron Baltic skid plates
UE Boom Speaker mount
RZR 800 Shocks
Mostly stock trail riding
25g. Rollers and A1

2016 Outlander max 570
Too new for mods yet


Offline callum

Re: Cabin and Center Console Temp almost unbearable
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2016, 02:30:25 AM »
have the same problem, waiting on all the parts to arrive ,then i am going to line all of the inside of the console with heatshield sticky mats seal all the little holes  and wrap the front header .Hopefully this will cool things down a bit will post pics soon


Offline NMKawierider

Re: Cabin and Center Console Temp almost unbearable
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2016, 06:52:22 AM »
After adding a full windshield to my Z the heat coming in from the radiator under the dash was unbearable. I cut some memory foam and stuffed across the top from the front side to stop it. It works. I have a How To on it. Earlier when I re-routed the air intake I sealed the grill between the seats and that stopped most of the heat coming in from the engine area.

CFM needs to put a little more thought into this cab heat problem..
« Last Edit: June 29, 2016, 07:22:50 AM by NMKawierider »
2015 Z Force 800 53/Trail EPS
Custom Air Intakes | Custom Exhaust Mod | SuperATV Harness | Custom Fenders | Custom Skid/Rock Sliders | 27" GBC Grim Reapers | Seizmik Mirrors |Конструктор Doors | Dr Pulley Sliders | 1.5" Wheel Spacers | BENZ Silencer (as needed) | SATV Flip Windshield W\ Rear Shield | Dual Light Bars | Diamond Plate Storage |7- 9.7" GPS Systems | Bandit Springs Rear & Gen-3 Shocks Front | Cage Chop Mod

My Videos On YouTube


Offline Maine Moto

Re: Cabin and Center Console Temp almost unbearable
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2016, 07:12:39 AM »
Thanks to all who replied.  I am definitely interested in any pics of the mods you complete.   

For now i will remove the windshield.


Offline Cosmosdan

Re: Cabin and Center Console Temp almost unbearable
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2016, 08:49:20 PM »
The RZR's are just as bad, so we are not alone. I had my windshield on and hit a few puddles, I got a ton of steam coming up on me. Next time out, windshield stayed home. I might cut it down to a half size one. I have to figure out how to bend the top to stiffen it up.
2013 Z6 Trail
Iron Baltic skid plates
UE Boom Speaker mount
RZR 800 Shocks
Mostly stock trail riding
25g. Rollers and A1

2016 Outlander max 570
Too new for mods yet


Offline gfmoto

Re: Cabin and Center Console Temp almost unbearable
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2016, 10:34:24 PM »
If you have access to a metal brake and an $8 harbor freight heat gun you can do it pretty easily. If no brake then maybe clamp a couple angle iron on each side and heat it.
2015 ZForce 800EX
32" light bar
2-4" spots
Custom Cv guards
DIY 1/2 windshield
UNI air filter
DIY rear window
BOSS ATV 28. 450W speakers
Alpena Rock Lights (tough pods)
2" RZR Bracket lift
Roof extensions
27" Maxxis Corranado Tires
Alpena RGB rock lights
SuperATV Rocksliders
1/2 Doors w/custom paint and graphics


Offline Cosmosdan

Re: Cabin and Center Console Temp almost unbearable
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2016, 11:18:47 PM »
Thanks, I'll try it on some scrap and see if I want to try something bigger.
2013 Z6 Trail
Iron Baltic skid plates
UE Boom Speaker mount
RZR 800 Shocks
Mostly stock trail riding
25g. Rollers and A1

2016 Outlander max 570
Too new for mods yet


Offline CF Matt

Re: Cabin and Center Console Temp almost unbearable
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2016, 09:16:04 AM »
I can't believe how hot my middle console gets. I don't want to even put my cell phone in there. and so much for keeping wanter in the cup holder, coffee wouldn't be a problem but make the water hot! Is it maybe that my fan does not kick in until the heat gage is up to 6 bars? Is my rad low on fluid? HOT HOT HOT!


Offline NMKawierider

Re: Cabin and Center Console Temp almost unbearable
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2016, 09:19:11 AM »
I can't believe how hot my middle console gets. I don't want to even put my cell phone in there. and so much for keeping wanter in the cup holder, coffee wouldn't be a problem but make the water hot! Is it maybe that my fan does not kick in until the heat gage is up to 6 bars? Is my rad low on fluid? HOT HOT HOT!
6 Bars!? Most come on at 3. If it is really 6, then she's overhearing and you better get a new thermo-switch or find out why before you loose that engine...if it isn't too late already.
2015 Z Force 800 53/Trail EPS
Custom Air Intakes | Custom Exhaust Mod | SuperATV Harness | Custom Fenders | Custom Skid/Rock Sliders | 27" GBC Grim Reapers | Seizmik Mirrors |Конструктор Doors | Dr Pulley Sliders | 1.5" Wheel Spacers | BENZ Silencer (as needed) | SATV Flip Windshield W\ Rear Shield | Dual Light Bars | Diamond Plate Storage |7- 9.7" GPS Systems | Bandit Springs Rear & Gen-3 Shocks Front | Cage Chop Mod

My Videos On YouTube


Offline CF Matt

Re: Cabin and Center Console Temp almost unbearable
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2016, 11:26:10 AM »
I'm going to take back into the dealer so they can do some tests on the relay and fan. Hopefully all is good.



Offline ozzy1584

Re: Cabin and Center Console Temp almost unbearable
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2016, 09:23:11 PM »
Sorry this is off topic,But where did you get those doors? 8)

Thank you!
15 U Force 800 Gun metal Gray! Home made snorkels,Home made axle vents,and a $20 eBay mp3 stereo more to come as work, life,and wife will allow!


Offline Max2015

Re: Cabin and Center Console Temp almost unbearable
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2016, 09:43:13 AM »
I had the same problem and I wrapped the exhaust header with 2"titanium heat wrap and eliminated my heat issues. Not the easiest job but worth it.


Offline orangeblue

Re: Cabin and Center Console Temp almost unbearable
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2016, 07:47:18 AM »
I pulled off the console, airbox, panels under the seats, and the side console panels and lined them with Thermo-Tec liner.  I took a heat gun and softened it up to make it malleable and apllied  it to every nook and cranny and covered every hole that I could.  It lowered the cabin temp impressively.  I still have some heat coming up between the seats and the airbox, Im going to find a way to seal that off.  I didnt wrap the headers, but that's next on the list.  As soon as I can can convince myself to remove those plastics again! 

It also helped with noise, especially from the intake.  I ordered a BT-99 silent rider for the exhaust, hopefully that will make a big difference.  I enjoy a good sounding exhaust but between the heat and noise, it becomes sensory overload pretty quick and the enjoyment of riding turns into no fun!


Offline NMKawierider

Re: Cabin and Center Console Temp almost unbearable
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2016, 08:49:26 AM »
I ordered a BT-99 silent rider for the exhaust, hopefully that will make a big difference.  I enjoy a good sounding exhaust but between the heat and noise, it becomes sensory overload pretty quick and the enjoyment of riding turns into no fun!
I know the feeling well :)

2015 Z Force 800 53/Trail EPS
Custom Air Intakes | Custom Exhaust Mod | SuperATV Harness | Custom Fenders | Custom Skid/Rock Sliders | 27" GBC Grim Reapers | Seizmik Mirrors |Конструктор Doors | Dr Pulley Sliders | 1.5" Wheel Spacers | BENZ Silencer (as needed) | SATV Flip Windshield W\ Rear Shield | Dual Light Bars | Diamond Plate Storage |7- 9.7" GPS Systems | Bandit Springs Rear & Gen-3 Shocks Front | Cage Chop Mod

My Videos On YouTube