This forum is intended for community knowledge. There aren't going to be too many rules, but I do ask some basic things:
1) Share your thoughts and opinions freely, but respectfully.
2) Please read through other threads/topics before you create a post if you have a question. The goal is to have information readily available and it keeps the clutter down.
3) You'll be seeing the name Jason in several places - I'm the Admin and owner of this forum. The other Admin is Alex - he developed the site for me.
4) If you have a request for a Category or a Board please feel free to reach out and I'll get things created as quickly as I can.
5) If you would like to support the forum please visit the
donations page. I don't expect members to contribute, but any contribution will be
greatly appreciated. I've covered the cost of buying this domain name as well as the web hosting fees, but they will be yearly recurring fees.
6) Please share this forum with your friends, riding buddies and even your dealerships. Spread the word and grow our member base so that we'll have an abundance of information at our disposal.