Well, sold my 2014 570LE RZR and purchased a 2017 Cforce 500s. Reason, we bought the RZR so both of us could explore the area; However, the wife tried it for 2 years and decided she had a hard time seeing the country with her eyes closed and death grip on the "panic bar". So, why did I decide to abandon the RZR and go with a ATV is probably your question. Now I'm 75 and have only been riding for a couple of years so this is definitely going to be a new experience. There were numerous reasons to go with a smaller machine but wanted something I could use on the property, had a hard time seeing over the front of the RZR ( when you are in real rocky terrain makes line determination difficult), next to impossible to see where your right tire is at on narrow trails. Really didn't like the AWD properties of the RZR especially with the EBS. Numerous times going down a steep incline with loose rocks the front and rear of the machine wanted to swap ends. After talking with a club member that rides a Zforce and others with selectable 4WD on ATV they didn't have a problem.
The machine is still at the dealer getting assembled so looking forward to taking it out with the club for the first time. Will have to go out to an area that is fairly easy riding and get acquainted with it first though.