So you think.... lol.. Good call on Rodins doors though. Lights lots of lights!! Just a personal preference I LOVE anything LED. Oh and I just put a BOSS ATV28 speakers in mine. Sounds great. Found it on sale at cabellas for $69.99. 2 day sale.
Oh, and a storage box for the back. I'd pick up some extra oil filters while you're there unless your dealer is close by.
And most of all welcome to the group and congrats on the new Z! I'm sure you'll love it.
Your right, found myself looking at bumpers earlier

... Yep, seen he was what the forum recommended and I worked with him to come up with a cool design for the doors as well... Leds and speakers are definitely in the plans!
Is there a recommendation for which oil filter to run or is it a CFM specific one? dealers about 10 miles away (STARR Cycle ErikB) and CFM HQ is only 2 hours away.
Another question I had was break-in, i'm sure it's probably in the manual but what's recommended on the forum as you guys seem to really know your stuff!