I finished my snorkels about a week ago, but am just now getting around to doing a write-up. I used 3" metal pipe and automotive style rubber couplers and ducts throughout. The first thing I did, was to remove the stock air box and all of the original intake all the way to the throttle body. Then, I cut off the top bracket that the air box bolted to.

I used a Specter 2.5" to 3" adapter on the throttle body and a piece of 3" pipe to an elbow with more pipe going up to my homemade temporary air box.

I welded on a nipple for the crank case vent hose to clamp to. I don't want to go into too much detail about my air box. It is homemade and temporary, because I can't afford a good one right now. It does work for now. I used a Specter cotton gauze filter, but I kept the stock pre-filter to try and catch the fine dust.
For the CVT exhaust, I needed tight bends to fit. So, I cut and welded the pipe to make the bends. I don't like sharp bends for air flow, but I didn't have much choice here. It needed to fit in tight places. To make bends this way, cut the pipe at half the degree that you want the bend. Then, turn one part 180 degrees and weld it back. For 90s, I made 45* cuts. For the 45, I made a 22.5* cut. I also had to cut out the bracket that held the stock intake behind the grill, between the seats. I used the stock coupler on the case.

For the CVT intake, I cut the stock duct off just above the primary side of the case. I used a flexible duct also from Specter to run up to the snorkel. I first cut the stock duct where it was just slightly too big for the 3" coupler, then cut it back a little at a time until it fit. The flexible duct has couplers that sort of screw on the end. To make them water proof. I put RTV silicone inside the couplers where they go on and then clamped them.

For the tops of the snorkels, I used PVC street 90s. I sanded the ridges and markings off and painted them, so they wouldn't look like PVC.

I extended the vent lines up to the highest part of the cage. I used clear plastic lines from nebulizer machines. You wouldn't expect them to hold up, but I used them on my Grizzly and they worked well for about 2 years and were still good when I traded it.

The snorkels are not completely finished. They are held up by zip ties and I have a homemade air box, but they are functional. I haven't got to give them a good test run yet, because I stripped the cam plate on my way to the trails. I have a plate coming and hope to go in deep soon.

With a little trimming to the plastic, I was able to use the air box cover to give some protection to the rubber parts of the intake. I'll have to come up with something for the flexible duct on the other side.

I'm moving enough air that I have my EJK set at the highest settings. I still don't know if it is high enough. I'll have to do more testing to see. As I finish the rest, I'll post it up.