On the Z8 there have been reports of the sprung exhaust connection becoming unseated and leaking.
If you can cover your exhaust while running and it doesn't build pressure, it is leaking somewhere. It is unclear as to the reason but as in mine, it is observed that there are some with the correct spring tension and some without. For exhaust spring connections the standard amount the spring should be stretched is 20% of it's tip to tip length. For example a spring sitting on the table measures 76mm. 20% of that is 15.2mm but we'll round that to 15mm. So installed it should measure tip to tip about 91mm. Although the parts list show all the CFMoto z8 exhaust springs to be the same which measure that 76mm, none of the hangers except one on mine measure anywhere close to that 91mm. I have one at 77mm, one at 80mm and one at 92mm. It is unclear if this is a manufacturing problem or if heat is causing the mounts to change their position. I will know if after this adjustment and new springs if the distance between the hangers changes. It is clear to me that heat is not effecting the springs themselves though and that these springs, unlike what we would buy here, are a softer material are can be bent as needed.
So, I have ordered two sets of Moose Racing 63mm springs for my worst one, the one at the muffler and have shortened the springs on the next worst, the one at the front cylinder.
First, some photos:
This is the one that is closest to being correct. The one off the rear cylinder. If all yours look something like this, you are OK.
Now this is my worst one, the one at the muffler, which will get the Moose springs. They have almost no tension at all and I took the one off with my fingers:
And this one is the front cylinder which has about a 5% stretch on it. These will get shortened.
You can just place the spring in a vise, straighten out one end, clip-off a 1/4- 1/2" of material and re-bend closer to the spring making it shorter. You can do this on both sides if necessary but I just needed one side. Here's a before and after shot.
You will need a spring hook like this but you can bend a 16 penny nail's tip to look like it and hole it with vise grips.
And here is that front cylinder joint all fixed:
Got the springs from here. Kinda pricey considering the CFMoto springs are .90c each where these are 13 bucks for 2 but maybe you get what you pay for. These 63mm are for the one that has the hangers at 77mm. Any farther apart and these wouldn't be right but Moose makes a lot of different sizes.