After reading the service manual for my Z6 and finding my secondary clutch didn't look like what they were showing, I was now on a mission to find out what was really in there. Here is what I found.
The primary is a cfmoto with 30x18 25g. Rollers
The secondary is a CV-TECH made in Canada. Popular opinion is this is a nice clutch. Thumbs up to cfmoto
The older secondary, I'm calling it, must be removed with the belt. Use a spanner wrench to hold it while removing the nut. I can't get a impact in there.
The CV-TECH has two tapped holes you can just thread one of the case screws into to open it up and get the belt out.
Artic cat also uses this clutch setup on the wildcat 1000. Great video on YouTube just search Arctic Cat Wildcat clutch disassembly removal
Here's a picture of mine with the screw in to open it up