Alternative Harness Mount for US ZForces.. possibly UForces
As many of you know the US versions of the Z Forces do not have the upper harness mount like other do. Because of that we must tie our straps directly to the bar which makes the straps come around the seat lower then it would normally. For me this makes me not buckling the upper buckle as it slams into my neck but without it buckled the harness tends to fall off the shoulders . I also raised my seat an inch which made the situation even worse.. so much so that I found myself not using the harness when I should be... I started looking for what it would take to remedy this problem. Loosening the mount strap and allowing it move up and forward was the answer but without the clamps I had to secure them, they would slide all over the place. A mount was needed to use the extra mounting hardware that came with the set and to emulate the mounting options others outside the states have. Sense these HD cage mounts are rated for many hundreds of pounds I decided to try a set.
This is the set I picked. A slimmer set would have been better but that bar is slightly larger then 1.5” and I couldn’t fine one so these were it: your harness's require two mounting points, just buy two sets. My SATV set only has one mounting point so I just needed one set.
With a little drilling and recessing of the shoulder, the SATV brackets installed fairly easily and with the bolt torqued and loc-tited they should be good to go. I then cut the head off the bolt to protect the seat. With a slight rubber adjustment and the aid of a bar clamp they went right on.

I did have to set the seats about an inch from the bar but that’s it. Just re-connect the straps using the SATV mount and the shoulder straps although are now closer to the top of the seat, the upper buckle is at least 3”s lower and no longer in my neck.

If you are having the same problem this may be an answer for you.