« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2017, 07:14:13 AM »
Flip it around..I think. The plastic tube has a lip on it that fits one way but not the other. Also remember even though the Unifilter has a 2.25" flange, the actual tube OD size is metric and a bit larger so it's a little more to get on then the OE filter. Anyway if that small lip doesn't go all the way through the flange on the filter it will set weird so I believe you just turn it around.
Yes, flip it around. It doesn't want to stay on the one end - had the same issue. Also, make sure there's no oil on that plastic tube.

2017 Zforce 800 EX
UNI filter, SuperATV high clearance a-arms, half windshield, nerf bars, Windjammer rear window, overhead storage, Bighorns, Bandit suspension Gen3 shocks, rear camera