Looks very convenient. NH-z8, make sure and snap some more pics and give us a quick review on how it works out for you. Check to make sure how water resistant it is before putting anything valuable like a wallet or camera in it. Simple to do - just sit it in place and spray it down with a garden hose for 10 seconds, then open the box and look for water inside it. If it doesn't seal tight enough, run a bead of black caulk around the sealant rubber to build up that 'lip', then let it dry until you can close it and re-test for water resistance again.
As much as like the Polaris lock n load box that fills the bed, this unit leaves a very nice gap on either side. I'd be going with a pair of 1g Rotopax cans on either side of that box to extend my riding range. Looking forward to your opinion on the box !!