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Offline nh-z8

Superatv cargo box
« on: April 02, 2016, 04:40:14 PM »
I see super atv has the new cargo box for z 800 for $189.99.Does anybody know the measurement of this.I would like to buy it but don't know the height.


Offline NMKawierider

Re: Superatv cargo box
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2016, 06:47:25 PM »
Just give them a call...they'll tell you. Great people.
2015 Z Force 800 53/Trail EPS
Custom Air Intakes | Custom Exhaust Mod | SuperATV Harness | Custom Fenders | Custom Skid/Rock Sliders | 27" GBC Grim Reapers | Seizmik Mirrors |Конструктор Doors | Dr Pulley Sliders | 1.5" Wheel Spacers | BENZ Silencer (as needed) | SATV Flip Windshield W\ Rear Shield | Dual Light Bars | Diamond Plate Storage |7- 9.7" GPS Systems | Bandit Springs Rear & Gen-3 Shocks Front | Cage Chop Mod

My Videos On YouTube


Offline nh-z8

Re: Superatv cargo box
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2016, 05:30:24 PM »
I called superatv and waited 30 minutes on phone to get thru. They were great answering my question. Told them I just bought the flip up windshield and loved it.The outside measurement for cargo box is 23x23x10. I will be ordering one soon.


Offline WalkinTarget

Re: Superatv cargo box
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2016, 12:03:43 PM »
Looks very convenient. NH-z8, make sure and snap some more pics and give us a quick review on how it works out for you. Check to make sure how water resistant it is before putting anything valuable like a wallet or camera in it. Simple to do - just sit it in place and spray  it down with a garden hose for 10 seconds, then open the box and look for water inside it. If it doesn't seal tight enough, run a bead of black caulk around the sealant rubber to build up that 'lip', then let it dry until you can close it and re-test for water resistance again.

As much as like the Polaris lock n load box that fills the bed, this unit leaves a very nice gap on either side. I'd be going with a pair of 1g Rotopax cans on either side of that box to extend my riding range. Looking forward to your opinion on the box !!
2014 Arctic Cat Wildcat Trail - 27" GBC Dirt Commanders, soft top, quarter windshield, AC front and rear steel bumpers, Bandit springs, EZ Ryde Midnight Edition exhaust, Plano 1719 storage box, Speedwerx throttle and secondary clutch spring, heated seats, Polaris seat slider.

Sold: 2006 King Quad 700 - 27" ITP 589 M/S tires, ITP rims