I heard this place was VERY nice riding. Just talked to a friend about it yesterday and he said he had a better time there than at Hatfield/McCoy. Never been to either but I figured I would relay the message.
I rode Rock Run 1.5 years ago and left early. To be honest, it was definitely the time of year that made it so bad. I was there for Summer Blast, their big bash, and it was crowded and dusty. Temps were around 91-92°, and no shade at all on the main camping area. It was about the dustiest I had ever ridden in. I haven't been to H&M, but they offer a LOT more trails than Rock Run.
To me, July and August are like January and February - you just never expect to have a fun ride on those 4 months. There are exceptions, but between the group of riders I got stuck with and the dust, it was less than enjoyable.