Keep in mind, everything at mud nationals was designed and modded FOR MUD.
That SuperATV unit had doors, a lift kit, and a gear reduction lift. Oh and mud tires.
But, whats the most important thing on that rig thats missing...?
SNORKELS. That stock air box would fill up with water QUICK. We all know that. The exhaust on the clutch housing sits low, which would cause that too to fill with water. We all know that too. As far as I know, theres no company out there that makes a snorkel system for the Z8. I BELIEVE there is a company that did one for the Z6, but that wont work.
I'm pretty bummed there was no showing of rides there, but unfortunately, we are JUST now starting to get some aftermarket support. We, as a community, need to start HOUNDING after market companies if we want to see parts for our machines. If they dont know there is a demand, they wont do anything. How do you think SuperATV got the idea that oh, maybe we need to do something? or STM?
We need to find the companies that make aftermarket snorkel kits and mass mail them requests.
IMO naturally.