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Offline orangeblue

My brakes suck
« on: September 04, 2016, 07:08:14 PM »
I have a 16 Uforce 800 EPS.  The brakes have always been soft.  I tried bleeding them and had several air bubbles come out.  But now they seem even worse. The pedal has very little resistance to it.  I have flushed and bled the brakes until I can't get any air out at all, but still can't get the pedal solid.  The calipers do move , but they have a very small amount of travel. 
Starting to think I have a bad master cylinder.  Anyone have that go bad in one of these machines? I know the rubber seal that goes on the master cylinder cap doesn't fit well and deforms easily. 


Offline NMKawierider

Re: My brakes suck
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2016, 07:30:11 PM »
Yours won't be the first with a bad master cylinder. If you know all the air is out without question, then it has to be. I had air in mine and when I bleed the brakes I went one pump too much and pulled air in and that took a while to work down to the calipers. Thought I would never get there. Think a power bleeder would be the answer cause any more then three pumps when full will do it. They are solid now but didn't start that way. I also wend to a different pad up front which made the biggest difference.
2015 Z Force 800 53/Trail EPS
Custom Air Intakes | Custom Exhaust Mod | SuperATV Harness | Custom Fenders | Custom Skid/Rock Sliders | 27" GBC Grim Reapers | Seizmik Mirrors |Конструктор Doors | Dr Pulley Sliders | 1.5" Wheel Spacers | BENZ Silencer (as needed) | SATV Flip Windshield W\ Rear Shield | Dual Light Bars | Diamond Plate Storage |7- 9.7" GPS Systems | Bandit Springs Rear & Gen-3 Shocks Front | Cage Chop Mod

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Offline Cosmosdan

Re: My brakes suck
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2016, 08:00:39 PM »
Mighty vac works good for brakes. I'm thinking master cylinder too. Is there a seal kit.
2013 Z6 Trail
Iron Baltic skid plates
UE Boom Speaker mount
RZR 800 Shocks
Mostly stock trail riding
25g. Rollers and A1

2016 Outlander max 570
Too new for mods yet



Re: My brakes suck
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2017, 08:57:32 PM »
Yeah a couple weeks ago I bleed my system a second time.  I had a real firm pedal that didn't go to the floor.  The machine sat in the barn for 8 or 9 days before I took it out again and the brakes are spongy again.  Not as bad as before, but spongy! :( >:(


Offline NMKawierider

Re: My brakes suck
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2017, 09:10:28 PM »
Yeah a couple weeks ago I bleed my system a second time.  I had a real firm pedal that didn't go to the floor.  The machine sat in the barn for 8 or 9 days before I took it out again and the brakes are spongy again.  Not as bad as before, but spongy! :( >:(
Check to make sure the push-rod isn't too tight. It needs enough play to allow the master's piston to come all the way back. Many have found then set too tight.
2015 Z Force 800 53/Trail EPS
Custom Air Intakes | Custom Exhaust Mod | SuperATV Harness | Custom Fenders | Custom Skid/Rock Sliders | 27" GBC Grim Reapers | Seizmik Mirrors |Конструктор Doors | Dr Pulley Sliders | 1.5" Wheel Spacers | BENZ Silencer (as needed) | SATV Flip Windshield W\ Rear Shield | Dual Light Bars | Diamond Plate Storage |7- 9.7" GPS Systems | Bandit Springs Rear & Gen-3 Shocks Front | Cage Chop Mod

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Offline Cosmosdan

Re: My brakes suck
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2017, 09:11:06 PM »
Sounds like a leak. Not a bad one, but I would check all the fittings.
2013 Z6 Trail
Iron Baltic skid plates
UE Boom Speaker mount
RZR 800 Shocks
Mostly stock trail riding
25g. Rollers and A1

2016 Outlander max 570
Too new for mods yet



Re: My brakes suck
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2017, 03:52:11 PM »
Sounds like a leak. Not a bad one, but I would check all the fittings.

Well, I made a trip out to my rural property today to go over the brake system.  What I found is the pin that attaches the brake pedal to mater cylinder rod was missing.  I found a 1/4" bolt to use for now and the brakes are working fine.


Offline willpower719

Re: My brakes suck
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2017, 08:16:44 AM »
On a (hopefully) related note: I came from a Polaris Rzr 570 and the only thing that was better was the brakes! It always gave me change back on that dime....ZForce Im steadily putting quarters in it when I need to stop suddenly.
2016 Zforce 800 EX
Super ATV Flip Out Windshield
Pro Armor Sound Bar
S/A Four Point Harness
Scap Doors(Crap, but FREE)
Two Brothers Exhaust
S/A Rock Sliders
Dobeck Fuel Controller
Smithfield 3" Lift Kit


Offline NMKawierider

Re: My brakes suck
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2017, 08:58:54 AM »
Mine are finally decent. It took upgraded pads and a fluid change-out to synthetic which also took some air out of the system.
2015 Z Force 800 53/Trail EPS
Custom Air Intakes | Custom Exhaust Mod | SuperATV Harness | Custom Fenders | Custom Skid/Rock Sliders | 27" GBC Grim Reapers | Seizmik Mirrors |Конструктор Doors | Dr Pulley Sliders | 1.5" Wheel Spacers | BENZ Silencer (as needed) | SATV Flip Windshield W\ Rear Shield | Dual Light Bars | Diamond Plate Storage |7- 9.7" GPS Systems | Bandit Springs Rear & Gen-3 Shocks Front | Cage Chop Mod

My Videos On YouTube


Offline orangeblue

Re: My brakes suck
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2017, 10:20:22 AM »
I just replaced the rear pads to EBC sintered, the factory ones were worn to the metal in 800 miles.  Changed the fluid, adjusted everything, and they are better but the pedal is still a little soft.  I think the calipers and master cylinder in these things are just weak and arent really up to the task of stopping a 1000 pound vehicle quickly.


Offline NMKawierider

Re: My brakes suck
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2017, 11:35:15 AM »
I just replaced the rear pads to EBC sintered, the factory ones were worn to the metal in 800 miles.  Changed the fluid, adjusted everything, and they are better but the pedal is still a little soft.  I think the calipers and master cylinder in these things are just weak and arent really up to the task of stopping a 1000 pound vehicle quickly.
I think your right but check that the push rod on the master has play at the top. The master's piston has to come all the way out to the stop to open the return to the reservoirs. I also found it a bitch to get all the air out. I think I'll invest in a small power bleeder next time.
2015 Z Force 800 53/Trail EPS
Custom Air Intakes | Custom Exhaust Mod | SuperATV Harness | Custom Fenders | Custom Skid/Rock Sliders | 27" GBC Grim Reapers | Seizmik Mirrors |Конструктор Doors | Dr Pulley Sliders | 1.5" Wheel Spacers | BENZ Silencer (as needed) | SATV Flip Windshield W\ Rear Shield | Dual Light Bars | Diamond Plate Storage |7- 9.7" GPS Systems | Bandit Springs Rear & Gen-3 Shocks Front | Cage Chop Mod

My Videos On YouTube