I still enjoy stopping in here on a daily basis to check in with you guys. I am brand agnostic - I don't care what you ride, just so long as you ride. I very much favor CF Moto owners when I see them out on the trails (they always get a thumbs up from me), and I still get picked on by my BiL and FiL almost every other ride about ever considering a CF Moto in the first place.
It annoys the crap out of me, but just because they aren't educated on the care and maintenance of a CF Moto and what needs done to make them reliable, I try and do my best to ignore them. I am thoroughly enjoying modding my Wildcat Trail, and I still think we need to get in a PA meet and greet one of these days. I can leave my BiL and FiL behind, but I'd prefer to bring them along so they can see that CF Moto is just as good as anything else out on the trails.