Sadly, there are very few choices in the 50" sport market, and other than the CF Moto, all you have are the Arctic Cat Wildcat Trail and the ubiquitous Polaris Rzr. I even briefly considered an Ace 900. Sticking that motor in that smaller chassis seemed like a helluva lotta fun, but having a 5.25 gallon tank and getting 12mpg is pretty crappy.
I'm actually going to a Bass Pro Shop tomorrow to look at the Wildcat Trail again, but it has issues that just cannot easily be addressed - no mudflaps at all - so everything, from mud to rocks, can and will fly back into the cab. Many important parts such as the radiator and brake master cylinder are for the most part unprotected from mud and rocks thrown at them. And to top it off, there aren't any reputable AC dealers anywhere near me.
The Rzr 570 is probably my only other choice, as I have no interest in dropping 15k+ to get a 900 with the options I'm after. My BiL's was 13,2k base price, climbing up to 16,3k with extras (winch, roof, full doors, windshields front and rear, and a storage box). I'm looking at adding the same options to whatever I buy, so I can justify paying 11k for a loaded EPS Zforce 800 53, but not 13k for a base Rzr 900.