The guy in charge of marketing replied to me with this - (cliff notes of the statement at the bottom)
Thanks for the pointers, Chad. I appreciate the feedback. I do want to address a few of your points, though.
1. I'm in charge of marketing and events at CFMOTO, and I was the person working at the event in Tennessee. The trail footage you see was shot on my off time when I wasn't running the demo booth or serving BBQ to riders that attended. I didn't get shots of the machine while I was driving it because I was busy driving it. I know the footage wasn't Hollywood by any means, but the point was to share the amazing trails and show our riders the cool events and places CFMOTO is going to. (You didn't like my music, though? I had fun riffing on the Seven Dwarves on the plane ride home--no apologies there!)
2. You're totally right, it's cool to see machines pushed to their limits. However, at an event with several thousand people in a relatively small trail area with sheer cliffs, it's not a great idea to rip a two-way blind-corner single track going 40. Two people were killed at this trail system during the Memorial Day weekend as it was, and I wasn't about to risk adding to the body count to get a cool shot. We've got to be good stewards to the sport! Secondly, as a manufacturer, we're held to tighter restrictions by the CPSC than the average consumer. We aren't allowed to show machines' tires leaving the ground in a non-closed course setting, even to the point that if we show a tire lifting off the ground in a hard corner, we have to axe the shot or risk getting in trouble. This fall we will be shooting video in a closed setting with a film crew. Hopefully we will be getting video that is exciting for you in that instance.
3. Why so mad? The whole point of side by sides and quads is to go outside and have fun. All the people at this event were having a good time camping, hanging out, and cruising around on their machines. As far as I saw, nobody gave anybody a hard time about the machine they drove or how they drove it. We served pulled pork to dudes in RZRs, drove a poker run with a lady in an Arctic Cat, and we generally just soaked in the good vibes of a nice weekend.
4. I just subscribed to your channel. I haven't watched your videos yet, but if you're passionate about shooting and riding, the next time we're in the same neck of the woods, you're totally welcome to bring your camera and come rip with us.
Cliff notes - "I know what im doing but have to be PC in my answers to you. Here are a bunch of excuses that dont add up."