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Offline lukeatuke

Can't bleed brakes
« on: April 20, 2017, 11:27:07 AM »
Dear visitors,

i have a huge problem bleeding brakes. After removing front left caliper, because it didn't fully return (quite squeaking could be hard while pushing in neutral) i went to bleed the brakes. After first miss (i didn't know which bleeder was for front and rear brakes) and can't get any pressure on the pedal and lever.

Gravity bleeding doesn't work.... not for rear not for front brakes.

First I could get front brakes to pump, but now non of the brakes works.

The minute i tried to bleed the wrong way we spent countless of hours to manually bleed but with no success.

Does anyone has any idea how can i bleed to get air out?

Thank you all!


Offline NMKawierider

Re: Can't bleed brakes
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2017, 11:36:03 AM »
Because of how the Cforces do their brakes, most people use a power bleeder. But remember, you have two systems that pressure the front. One of those systems also pressures the rear caliper. Also, if doing manually, it only take three pumps to drain the reservoir so be sure not to let it get any new air. I assume you know how to manually bleed brakes
2015 Z Force 800 53/Trail EPS
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Offline Wheels

Re: Can't bleed brakes
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2017, 12:15:30 PM »
For the front the easiest way I found was to gravity bleed, open the res.
Fill it, then crack the front bleeder on one side, and let it drain keep the res topped, drain it till you need to fill res two times.
Close the line and do other side.
Then refill res and squeeze brake about 1in then let it snap back open, you will see some very small bubbles, keep snapping in untill bubbles stop. They will be very small.
The rears do the same drain through at front, then move to back bleeder. You will need to open/close this bleeder about 15 times. Press brake open, close let brake up repeat.
Good luck, the rears are very easy and I'm guessing that the air is in the front. So do front completely first.
If it has Pistons or Tits you will encounter problems.


Offline lukeatuke

Re: Can't bleed brakes
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2017, 11:12:13 AM »
Hello guys!

Thank you for your help.

As said, i didn't have any pressure neither on rear neither on front master cylinder. Gravity bleeding, banjo bolt bleeding, injecting with syringe, nothing worked. The only method we didn't try because we didn't have it was pressure bleeding. After few mechanics tried to fix it, i finally had luck with another mechanic.

We tested pressure in front master clyinder directly (it was perfect), took syringe and pumped from bleed screw to master clyinder oil and had no pressure.

The problem was in copper seals around banjo fitting and in union bolt (the one where lines connect for front and rear brakes). Because of bad seals, air was pumped with every push of the lever. After that, we started to get pressure and quickly got fronts to work. After that we alsow injected oil for rear brakes, from bleeder screw to the master clyinder. Few pushes, few manual bleedings and we were done. Thank god, after 2 weeks :)

Another question. In total I only have this quad for a month, so before this story i didn't ride it more than for a few hours and can't remember how front brakes were before. I know that CF 800 is not strong on breaking performance but how are front brakes doing on your quads?
Mine front brakes (still are from a bit of oil probably)  aren't strong inave to lock the front wheels. The rears no problem, just a tap and i'm sliding, but this can be a bit of a problem on steep declines, so i would like to have more power on front brakes.

Thank you all for all the replies. Hopefully someone in the future will solve his/her problem from my story ;)

« Last Edit: April 24, 2017, 11:15:42 AM by lukeatuke »


Offline IVIaniac

Re: Can't bleed brakes
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2017, 11:20:39 PM »
I have a tilt trailer and cannot even hold the quad on the trailer while it's tilted with the brakes. Use low gear on the steep stuff and let the engine braking control you. One really big positive is the low gear is the perfect speed to descend, even the reverse gear is a nice controlled speed.


Offline rideordie

Emergency brake/hand brake
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2017, 06:21:32 PM »
Do you know how to change out the emergency brake/hand brake pads?

For the front the easiest way I found was to gravity bleed, open the res.
Fill it, then crack the front bleeder on one side, and let it drain keep the res topped, drain it till you need to fill res two times.
Close the line and do other side.
Then refill res and squeeze brake about 1in then let it snap back open, you will see some very small bubbles, keep snapping in untill bubbles stop. They will be very small.
The rears do the same drain through at front, then move to back bleeder. You will need to open/close this bleeder about 15 times. Press brake open, close let brake up repeat.
Good luck, the rears are very easy and I'm guessing that the air is in the front. So do front completely first.