Since we don't have many choises, you have to go in a trail and error process, unplug a sensor one at the time and see if it makes any difference. Any sensor you unplug should give the ECU an error and the light should come on, blinking. To ground the ECU you have to look for pin 26 on the Bosch M3.0 ECU, wich your atv should have? Since it is a 2015 look for a 3 wire plug labeled ECU and find the purple wire to ground it wich is the K line pin 26. If not you have to bypass pin 26. BE CAREFULL, you can blow the ECU. Do you have the service manual for more troubleshooting and to find the 26 pin?
Here is a video, unafortunatelly it is in spanish, it will give you an idea, if you need translation of a part let me now.
BE CARFULL, hope we can find the problem