Ok guys I have a question?? So my z8 started leaking coolant out of the weep hole located right underneath the drain on the pump I think ?? ( Nmkawi please correct me if I'm wrong ) what's weird is that mine has this hole and some models don't? Now it was leaking pretty good not enough to over heat or anything like that but still concerning I cleaned it up after our ride on Saturday let it sit and this morning I could see there was coolant. Now is this a seal fail? I did take it to the dealer this morning it's under warranty still and they took a quick look and said it looked normal?? But I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to leak right? I left it there and they were going to check it out closer. What do you guys think could be happening just in case my dealer comes up with some bullshit excuse I'm prepared...thanks for your input.
Well #1, it should not leak until it warn out and that should take thousands of miles. 2. Those F'ers better put a new seal set in!

. What is odd is we both have the same machine..same year and yours has a nipple on the weep and a line that runs...somewhere? And mine has no nipple on it and when it leaked...and it did when new, it just drips down onto the frame. IT SOULD NOT have this line going up as it will hold coolant in and could get into the engine by passing through the oil seal on the other side. We preach about this about Kawasakis on their forums all the time. So I say take that line off that port. If it needs to weep, let it out.
Does anyone else with a 2015 800 have this nipple and line on yours?
I might also add that people have reported this problem and had it stop when changing coolant. Yet another good reason to get that factory coolant out of there. Think I'll put that on my list of things to do..soon. Come to think of it...mine quit leaking soon after I started topping the radiator off with Prestone....Hmm
And just general information: