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Offline Jaxxus87

First Big Ride
« on: June 05, 2017, 08:02:56 AM »
So I just got back from Hatfield McCoy where we rode on the BearWallow trail system.  I took my 16' 800ex eps out and I couldn't be happier with it, it did everything I needed it to without any issue whatsoever. Hit some mud holes,hill climbs, and killed some pretty gnarly technical trails at high speed.  Took everything I threw at it with ease. BearWallow has a lot of single "high whoop" humps all through out and it never bottomed out even if i jumped them. This is my first sxs so i can't say if a lot of this is expected but I'm impressed overall. I had the go pro on through some of it, ill post a you tube link later so you guys can see BearWallow if you're interested, very cool place.


Offline chuddly

Re: First Big Ride
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2017, 08:11:12 AM »
Glad to hear you had a good time and no mechanical issues.  I have been out to WV several times and have always had a great time (although some of the times I broke things LOL).  Probably a good idea to check over suspension parts and such now that your back home.  Things can loosen up a bit out there playing in the woods. 
I can imagine a world completely at peace.  A world where there are no weapons, no war, and no violence at all.  And I can imagine us taking over that world because they would never expect it.


Offline gfmoto

Re: First Big Ride
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2017, 11:00:22 AM »
Yes, please post the link, Id love to see what it looks like out there. Trying to see if a trip there will fit in the schedule this summer.
2015 ZForce 800EX
32" light bar
2-4" spots
Custom Cv guards
DIY 1/2 windshield
UNI air filter
DIY rear window
BOSS ATV 28. 450W speakers
Alpena Rock Lights (tough pods)
2" RZR Bracket lift
Roof extensions
27" Maxxis Corranado Tires
Alpena RGB rock lights
SuperATV Rocksliders
1/2 Doors w/custom paint and graphics


Offline Jaxxus87

Re: First Big Ride
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2017, 09:21:59 AM »
I'm still working on the video upload. Turns out i hit the time lapse button for the longest/best video I had so it looks like it's going 100x faster than normal playback.  I do have a couple videos that are at normal speed though, ill try to get them together today after work.


Offline Jaxxus87

Re: First Big Ride
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2017, 07:28:58 PM »
Here is a short one, video files take a year to upload...