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Offline Revolutionary

Cupholders & Noise Reduction
« on: June 13, 2016, 08:45:39 PM »
Hey CF Moto People...
The cupholders in our EX's are junk, pretty much, so I installed some RAM cupholders, one mounted to the grab bar on the right, the other one I (drilled more holes in my machine LOL) & put it on the left of the steering wheel under the 4WD button.

Also, I have the SuperATV boxes on the back of each of our machines; the sound coming out of the intake there was bouncing back into the cab, so we I installed some (very minor league & unprofessional) packing material above the intake filter, it helped some....but the red machine is still way louder, sounds like a rapping noise from that engine, the other one in the black machine is quieter. 
(2) 2016 CF Moto Zforce 800 EPS EX's
Split Windshields
Big Rear View Mirrors
Big Side View Mirrors
Rear Cargo Boxes
ICE Anti Freeze
Twin Air Filters
Russian Doors!
SuperATV Bags on doors
Sedona Mud Rebel Tires
NMK's Famous Intake SYstem


Offline NMKawierider

Re: Cupholders & Noise Reduction
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2016, 08:54:26 PM »
Well...you can make them much quieter with this two-stage UniFilter material. I use it and the only time I hear mine is a few seconds at first start up. Just lay the purple filter on top, cut it out and put a hole in the center for the nut. Oil it like any other. And you will officially have two-two stage filters on your machine. There isn't enough in one to make two though. But you will have more then enough to cut out a little filter for the door of your CVT intake. Don't oil that one though. Just pop it out sometimes and give it a few taps.

« Last Edit: June 13, 2016, 08:56:38 PM by NMKawierider »
2015 Z Force 800 53/Trail EPS
Custom Air Intakes | Custom Exhaust Mod | SuperATV Harness | Custom Fenders | Custom Skid/Rock Sliders | 27" GBC Grim Reapers | Seizmik Mirrors |Конструктор Doors | Dr Pulley Sliders | 1.5" Wheel Spacers | BENZ Silencer (as needed) | SATV Flip Windshield W\ Rear Shield | Dual Light Bars | Diamond Plate Storage |7- 9.7" GPS Systems | Bandit Springs Rear & Gen-3 Shocks Front | Cage Chop Mod

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Offline Revolutionary

Re: Cupholders & Noise Reduction
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2016, 12:13:30 AM »
I don't get it.
You're saying to take this material & wrap it around the outside of the purple filter? The noise is coming out of the purple one & bouncing off of the box in the back, if I take the box out it's a lot quieter. Post a pic, NMK, show me this....
(2) 2016 CF Moto Zforce 800 EPS EX's
Split Windshields
Big Rear View Mirrors
Big Side View Mirrors
Rear Cargo Boxes
ICE Anti Freeze
Twin Air Filters
Russian Doors!
SuperATV Bags on doors
Sedona Mud Rebel Tires
NMK's Famous Intake SYstem


Offline NMKawierider

Re: Cupholders & Noise Reduction
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2016, 02:56:03 AM »
No, replace the purple material with this. The purple material is a single course material that works OK, but lets a lot of the intake noise from the airbox through. This is like a better silencer. Try one first.

Use the purple one as a template and cut it out like this one I did previously. This one was with one thick fine foam that proved to be restrictive. The one in the previous post is the correct one.

« Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 03:11:13 AM by NMKawierider »
2015 Z Force 800 53/Trail EPS
Custom Air Intakes | Custom Exhaust Mod | SuperATV Harness | Custom Fenders | Custom Skid/Rock Sliders | 27" GBC Grim Reapers | Seizmik Mirrors |Конструктор Doors | Dr Pulley Sliders | 1.5" Wheel Spacers | BENZ Silencer (as needed) | SATV Flip Windshield W\ Rear Shield | Dual Light Bars | Diamond Plate Storage |7- 9.7" GPS Systems | Bandit Springs Rear & Gen-3 Shocks Front | Cage Chop Mod

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Offline Revolutionary

Re: Cupholders & Noise Reduction
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2016, 07:49:46 AM »
You are a genius, NMK. Thanks kindly, I'm ordering....NOW.  :)
(2) 2016 CF Moto Zforce 800 EPS EX's
Split Windshields
Big Rear View Mirrors
Big Side View Mirrors
Rear Cargo Boxes
ICE Anti Freeze
Twin Air Filters
Russian Doors!
SuperATV Bags on doors
Sedona Mud Rebel Tires
NMK's Famous Intake SYstem


Offline NMKawierider

Re: Cupholders & Noise Reduction
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2016, 08:04:12 AM »
I remember with the purple filter, which I keep in the zip-lok,in the box, oiled and ready to install, I could hear the intake noise all the time and with the green I never did...but it was too dense and restrictive. Then I wend to the Red/Yellow Uni material and I only hear it at start-up and maybe once in a while at full throttle...but then I am older and don't hear as well as a once did...lol

Let me ask..you have the TwinAirs in the box like I do..did they come with any kind of internal support like a spring or frame?  Mine didn't and if it ever gets dirty I think it will suck-shut. Fortunately nothing gets by the first filter.
2015 Z Force 800 53/Trail EPS
Custom Air Intakes | Custom Exhaust Mod | SuperATV Harness | Custom Fenders | Custom Skid/Rock Sliders | 27" GBC Grim Reapers | Seizmik Mirrors |Конструктор Doors | Dr Pulley Sliders | 1.5" Wheel Spacers | BENZ Silencer (as needed) | SATV Flip Windshield W\ Rear Shield | Dual Light Bars | Diamond Plate Storage |7- 9.7" GPS Systems | Bandit Springs Rear & Gen-3 Shocks Front | Cage Chop Mod

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