Ok, first there never should be a gap between the helix and the pad as you are preloading the spring so..with that thought in mind think of the chart:
As you see, the settings equal degrees of preload so if you look down on the cap and think of a degree wheel where one point is zero and the other is the degree of preload, you can see how much you will have to twist the helix to set those two points to zero. B2 offers 38 degrees of spring preload. So when you start, the tip of the helix (
or the spot on the side where it sets assembled) and the shoe or pad will be 38 degrees apart. Here's a degree wheel you can print out:
Now the direction to twist to get that preload will be the direction it takes to set the slide on the side of the helex that shows the wear..that's how I do it. Also, rule of thumb, spring torsional preloading is always done in the direction it takes to compress the spring or twist it smaller, not larger. So that helps in direction too.
As for the thread locker. If the torque is correct you shouldn't need it. The torque value on both is 80ftlbs. I go 85 just to be safe and have no issues. Do at least 80 and it's best to use a torque wrench...otherwise you may not have it right as torqueing is the precise stretching of a material and you must have something that measures that. An impact just doesn't and can effect the material by over stretching it or under torqueing which may cause it to come loose.